2020 Regional Report on Human Rights Violations is released

2020 Regional Report on Human Rights Violations is released

DIYARBAKIR-The "2020 Report on Human Rights Violations in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region" prepared by HRA Diyarbakır Branch was shared with the public at a press conference. The statement noted that grave human rights violations stemming from authoritarian and centralized policies have increased systematically in 2020.

The "2020 Report on Human Rights Violations in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region" prepared by the Diyarbakır Branch of the Human Rights Association (HRA) was announced to the public at a press conference. HRA Deputy Chairperson Rehşan Bataray Saman, Regional Representative Abdusselam İnceören, Diyarbakır Branch President Abdullah Zeytun and Diyarbakır Branch Manager Ercan Yılmaz attended the press conference held at the HRA Diyarbakır Branch office.

Speaking at the press conference, Rehşan Bataray Saman, Deputy Chairperson of HRA, said that in 2020, a lot of violations emerged in many different and categorical issues such as the right to life, torture and ill-treatment, violations in prisons, prohibitions and interventions against the right to assembly and demonstration, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of the press, violence against women and children, losses in economic and social rights. “In this period, in which human rights violations escalated with the effect of the conflict environment, the understanding of law and the sense of justice were seriously damaged. A lot of violations occurred in many different and categorical issues such as torture and ill-treatment, violations in prisons, prohibitions and interventions on the right to assembly and demonstration, freedom of thought and expression, freedom of the press, violence against women and children, and economic and social rights.” she said

You can access the full text of the press release and the report from the links below.

☑️ Report https://bit.ly/3dpCMkq

☑️ Press Release https://bit.ly/37p9z5e